Class NodeAbstract

Represent one move in the tree structure formed by a chess game with multiple variations.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Add the given NAG to the current node or variation.


    • nag: number

    Returns void

  • Create a new variation that can be played instead of the current move.


    • OptionalisLongVariation: boolean

      false by default.

    Returns Variation

  • Remove all the NAGs from the current node or variation.

    Returns void

  • Get the text comment (if any) associated to the current node or variation.

    Returns undefined | string

  • Set the text comment associated to the current node or variation.


    • value: undefined | string

      If undefined, the existing value (if any) is erased.

    • OptionalisLongComment: boolean

      false by default.

    Returns void

  • FEN representation of the chess position after the current move.

    The fifty-move clock and full-move number are set according to the underlying game in the string returned by this method.

    Returns string

  • Number of half-moves since the last pawn move or capture, after the current move.

    Returns number

  • SAN-like representation of the move associated to the current node (or '--' for a null-move).

    Here, chess pieces are represented with their respective unicode character, instead of the first letter of their English name.

    Returns string

  • Remove from the the current node or variation the NAGs for which the given filter evaluates to false (and keep those for which it evaluates to true).


    • filter: ((nag: number) => boolean)
        • (nag): boolean
        • Parameters

          • nag: number

          Returns boolean

    Returns void

  • Remove from the the current node or variation the key-value tag pairs for which the given filter evaluates to false (and keep those for which it evaluates to true).


    • filter: ((tagKey: string, tagValue: string) => boolean)
        • (tagKey, tagValue): boolean
        • Parameters

          • tagKey: string
          • tagValue: string

          Returns boolean

    Returns void

    AbstractNode.tags for more details on tags.

  • Full-move number. It starts at 1 (by default), and is incremented after each black move.

    Returns number

  • Check whether the current node or variation has the given NAG or not.


    • nag: number

    Returns boolean

  • Identifier of the current Node or Variation within its parent Game.

    WARNING: the ID may change when variations are modified (added, removed, swapped, promoted...) among the parents the current node.

    Returns string

  • Whether the text comment associated to the current node or variation is long or short.

    Returns boolean

    false if no comment is defined.

  • Returns boolean

    Use obj instanceof Variation instead.

  • Color of the player who plays the current move.

    Returns Color

  • NAGs associated to the current node or variation.

    Returns number[]

    array sorted in increasing order.

  • Return the Node that comes after the current one in their parent variation.

    Returns undefined | Node

    undefined if the current node is the last one of the variation.

  • SAN representation of the move associated to the current node (or '--' for a null-move).

    Returns string

  • Create a new node representing the given move, and append it to the current node or variation.

    If there are some pre-existing subsequent nodes, they are all erased.


    • move: string

      SAN representation of the move, or '--' for a null-move.

    Returns Node

    The newly created Node.

    exception.InvalidNotation if the move notation cannot be parsed, or if the parsed move would correspond to an illegal move.

  • Chess position obtained after the current move.

    Returns Position

  • Chess position before the current move.

    Returns Position

  • Return the Node that comes before the current one in their parent variation.

    Returns undefined | Node

    undefined if the current node is the first one of the variation.

  • Replace the move on the current node (and the following ones, if any) by the moves of the variation corresponding to the given index, and create a new variation with the move on the current node and its successors.

    WARNING: the promoted variation must NOT be empty (otherwise an exception is thrown).


    • variationIndex: number

      Index of the variation to promote (must be such that 0 <= variationIndex < thisNode.variations().length).

    Returns void

  • Erase all the moves after the one on the current Node: after that, returns undefined.

    If the current Node is already the last one in its variation (i.e. if returns undefined already), nothing happens.

    Returns void

  • Remove the given NAG from the current node or variation.


    • nag: number

    Returns void

  • Remove the variation corresponding to the given index.


    • variationIndex: number

      Index of the variation to remove (must be such that 0 <= variationIndex < thisNode.variations().length).

    Returns void

  • Change the order of the variations by swapping the two variations corresponding to the given indexes.


    • variationIndex1: number

      Index of one variation to swap (must be such that 0 <= variationIndex1 < thisNode.variations().length).

    • variationIndex2: number

      Index of the other variation to swap (must be such that 0 <= variationIndex2 < thisNode.variations().length).

    Returns void

  • Get the value associated to the given tag key on the current node or variation.


    • tagKey: string

    Returns undefined | string

    AbstractNode.tags for more details on tags.

  • Set the value associated to the given tag key on the current node or variation.


    • tagKey: string
    • value: undefined | string

      If undefined, the existing value (if any) is erased.

    Returns void

    AbstractNode.tags for more details on tags.

  • Return the keys of the tags associated to the current node or variation.

    The tag mechanism is a key-value associative container allowing to store some arbitrary data on each node or variation. In PGN, the tags are represented as [%tagKey tagValue] strings appended to text comments.

    The tag keys must be non-empty, and can contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters.

    Returns string[]

    array sorted in increasing order.

  • Alternative variations that can be followed instead of the current move.

    Returns Variation[]