 *                                                                            *
 *    This file is part of Kokopu, a JavaScript chess library.                *
 *    Copyright (C) 2018-2022  Yoann Le Montagner <yo35 -at- melix.net>       *
 *                                                                            *
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or           *
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License      *
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of       *
 *    the License, or (at your option) any later version.                     *
 *                                                                            *
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
 *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     *
 *                                                                            *
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General               *
 *    Public License along with this program. If not, see                     *
 *    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                         *
 *                                                                            *

'use strict';

var bt = require('./basetypes');
var moveDescriptor = require('./movedescriptor');
var exception = require('./exception');
var i18n = require('./i18n');

var impl = require('./private_position/impl');
var fen = require('./private_position/fen');
var attacks = require('./private_position/attacks');
var legality = require('./private_position/legality');
var moveGeneration = require('./private_position/movegeneration');
var notation = require('./private_position/notation');
var uci = require('./private_position/uci');

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor & reset/clear
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class
 * @classdesc Represent a chess position, i.e. the state of a 64-square chessboard with a few additional
 *            information (who is about to play, castling rights, en-passant rights).
 * @description
 * This constructor can be invoked with different types of arguments:
 * ```
 * new kokopu.Position('regular');                  //  1 -> Usual starting position.
 * new kokopu.Position('regular', 'start');         //  2 -> Same as 1.
 * new kokopu.Position('regular', 'empty');         //  3 -> Empty board.
 * new kokopu.Position('no-king', 'empty');         //  4 -> Empty board, configured to be considered as legal without any king.
 * new kokopu.Position('white-king-only', 'empty'); //  5 -> Empty board, configured to be considered as legal with no black king.
 * new kokopu.Position('black-king-only', 'empty'); //  6 -> Empty board, configured to be considered as legal with no white king.
 * new kokopu.Position('chess960', 'empty');        //  7 -> Empty board, configured for Chess960.
 * new kokopu.Position('chess960', scharnaglCode);  //  8 -> One of the Chess960 starting position (`scharnaglCode` is a number between 0 and 959 inclusive).
 * new kokopu.Position('antichess');                //  9 -> Usual starting position, configured for antichess.
 * new kokopu.Position('antichess', 'start');       // 10 -> Same as 9.
 * new kokopu.Position('antichess', 'empty');       // 11 -> Empty board, configured for antichess.
 * new kokopu.Position('horde');                    // 12 -> Horde chess usual starting position.
 * new kokopu.Position('horde', 'start');           // 13 -> Same as 12.
 * new kokopu.Position('horde', 'empty');           // 14 -> Empty board, configured for horde chess.
 * new kokopu.Position(variant, fenString);         // 15 -> Parse the given FEN string, assuming the given game variant.
 * new kokopu.Position(fenStringWithVariant);       // 16 -> Parse the given FEN string, taking into account an optional game variant that may be mentioned in prefix.
 * new kokopu.Position(anotherPosition);            // 17 -> Make a copy of `anotherPosition`.
 * ```
 * Please note that the argument `'regular'` can be omitted in forms 1, 2, 3. In particular, the constructor can be invoked
 * with no argument, as in `new kokopu.Position()`: in this case, a new `Position` initialized to the usual starting position
 * is instantiated (as in forms 1 and 2).
 * In form 15, `variant` must be one of the game variant proposed in {@link GameVariant}. The `variant` argument can be omitted if it is set to `'regular'`
 * (i.e. if the usual chess rules are used).
 * If `variant` is set to `'chess960'`, then the X-FEN syntax can be used for `fenString'`.
 * In form 16, `fenStringWithVariant` is assumed to be a string formatted as `'variant:FEN'` (e.g. `'chess960:nrkbqrbn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/NRKBQRBN w BFbf - 0 1'`).
 * The `'variant:'` prefix is optional: if omitted, the usual chess rules are used. For the Chess960 variant,
 * the X-FEN syntax can be used for the FEN part of the string.
 * In form 17, `anotherPosition` must be another {@link Position} object.
 * @throws {module:exception.InvalidFEN} If the input parameter is not a valid FEN string (can be thrown only in cases 15 and 16).
 * @see FEN notation: {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth–Edwards_Notation}
 * @see Chess960 starting positions: {@link https://chess960.net/start-positions/}
 * @see X-FEN notation: {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-FEN}
var Position = exports.Position = function() {

	// Copy constructor
	if(arguments[0] instanceof Position) {
		this._impl = impl.makeCopy(arguments[0]._impl);

	// Special constructor codes
	else if(arguments.length === 0 || arguments[0] === 'start' || (arguments[0] === 'regular' && (arguments.length === 1 || arguments[1] === 'start'))) {
		this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.REGULAR_CHESS);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'empty' || (arguments[0] === 'regular' && arguments[1] === 'empty')) {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.REGULAR_CHESS);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'chess960' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.CHESS960);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'chess960' && typeof arguments[1] === 'number' && arguments[1] >= 0 && arguments[1] <= 959) {
		this._impl = impl.make960FromScharnagl(arguments[1]);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'no-king' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.NO_KING);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'white-king-only' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.WHITE_KING_ONLY);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'black-king-only' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.BLACK_KING_ONLY);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'antichess' && (arguments.length === 1 || arguments[1] === 'start')) {
		this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.ANTICHESS);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'antichess' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.ANTICHESS);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'horde' && (arguments.length === 1 || arguments[1] === 'start')) {
		this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.HORDE);
	else if(arguments[0] === 'horde' && arguments[1] === 'empty') {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.HORDE);

	// FEN parsing
	else if(typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
		var separatorIndex = arguments[0].indexOf(':');

		// Form (variant, FEN)
		if(typeof arguments[1] === 'string') {
			var variant = bt.variantFromString(arguments[0]);
			if(variant >= 0) {
				this._impl = fen.parseFEN(variant, arguments[1], false).position;
			else {
				throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position()');

		// Form (variant:FEN) (concatenated string)
		else if(separatorIndex >= 0) {
			var variant = bt.variantFromString(arguments[0].substring(0, separatorIndex));
			if(variant >= 0) {
				this._impl = fen.parseFEN(variant, arguments[0].substring(separatorIndex + 1), false).position;
			else {
				throw new exception.InvalidFEN(arguments[0], i18n.INVALID_VARIANT_PREFIX, arguments[0].substring(0, separatorIndex));

		// Form (FEN)
		else {
			this._impl = fen.parseFEN(bt.REGULAR_CHESS, arguments[0], false).position;

	// Wrong argument scheme
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position()');

 * Set the position to the empty state.
 * @param {GameVariant} [variant='regular'] Chess game variant to use.
Position.prototype.clear = function(variant) {
	if(arguments.length === 0) {
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(bt.REGULAR_CHESS);
	else {
		var v = bt.variantFromString(variant);
		if(v < 0) {
			throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#clear()');
		this._impl = impl.makeEmpty(v);

 * Set the position to the starting state (in the regular chess variant).
Position.prototype.reset = function() {
	this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.REGULAR_CHESS);

 * Set the position to one of the Chess960 starting position.
 * @param {number} scharnaglCode Must be between 0 and 959 inclusive (see {@link https://chess960.net/start-positions/}
 *        or {@link https://www.chessprogramming.org/Reinhard_Scharnagl} for more details).
Position.prototype.reset960 = function(scharnaglCode) {
	this._impl = impl.make960FromScharnagl(scharnaglCode);

 * Set the position to the starting state of the antichess variant.
Position.prototype.resetAntichess = function() {
	this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.ANTICHESS);

 * Set the position to the starting state of the horde chess variant.
Position.prototype.resetHorde = function() {
	this._impl = impl.makeInitial(bt.HORDE);

 * Check whether both given objects represent the same chess position (i.e. the same chess variant, same board,
 * and same turn/castling/en-passant flags).
 * @param {Position} pos1
 * @param {Position} pos2
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.isEqual = function(pos1, pos2) {
	return pos1 instanceof Position && pos2 instanceof Position && impl.isEqual(pos1._impl, pos2._impl);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FEN & ASCII conversion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Return a human-readable string representing the position. This string is multi-line,
 * and is intended to be displayed in a fixed-width font (similarly to an ASCII-art picture).
 * @returns {string} Human-readable representation of the position.
Position.prototype.ascii = function() {
	return fen.ascii(this._impl);

 * Get the FEN representation of the current {@link Position}).
 * @param {{fiftyMoveClock:number, fullMoveNumber:number, withVariant:boolean, regularFENIfPossible:boolean}} [options]
 *        If not provided, the `fiftyMoveClock` and the `fullMoveNumber` fields of the returned FEN string are set respectively to 0 and 1.
 *        If field `withVariant` is `true` (`false` by default), then the current game variant is appended as a colon-separated prefix.
 *        If field `regularFENIfPossible` is `true` (`false` by default), then castling rights X-FEN are encoded using the regular-FEN
 *        coding format (this flag affects only Chess960 positions).
 * Parse the given FEN string and set the position accordingly.
 * @param {string} fen
 * @param {boolean} [strict=false] If `true`, only perfectly formatted FEN strings are accepted.
 * @returns {{fiftyMoveClock:number, fullMoveNumber:number}}
 * @throws {module:exception.InvalidFEN} If the given string cannot be parsed as a valid FEN string.
Position.prototype.fen = function() {
	if(arguments.length === 0) {
		return fen.getFEN(this._impl, 0, 1);
	else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
		var fiftyMoveClock = (typeof arguments[0].fiftyMoveClock === 'number') ? arguments[0].fiftyMoveClock : 0;
		var fullMoveNumber = (typeof arguments[0].fullMoveNumber === 'number') ? arguments[0].fullMoveNumber : 1;
		var withVariant = (typeof arguments[0].withVariant === 'boolean') ? arguments[0].withVariant : false;
		var regularFENIfPossible = (typeof arguments[0].regularFENIfPossible === 'boolean') ? arguments[0].regularFENIfPossible : false;
		return (withVariant ? bt.variantToString(this._impl.variant) + ':' : '') + fen.getFEN(this._impl, fiftyMoveClock, fullMoveNumber, regularFENIfPossible);
	else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
		var result = fen.parseFEN(this._impl.variant, arguments[0], false);
		this._impl = result.position;
		return { fiftyMoveClock: result.fiftyMoveClock, fullMoveNumber: result.fullMoveNumber };
	else if(arguments.length >= 2 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean') {
		var result = fen.parseFEN(this._impl.variant, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
		this._impl = result.position;
		return { fiftyMoveClock: result.fiftyMoveClock, fullMoveNumber: result.fullMoveNumber };
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#fen()');

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Get the {@link GameVariant} in use.
 * @returns {GameVariant}
Position.prototype.variant = function() {
	return bt.variantToString(this._impl.variant);

 * Get the content of a square.
 * @param {Square} square
 * @returns {ColoredPiece|Empty}
 * Set the content of a square.
 * @param {Square} square
 * @param {ColoredPiece|Empty} value
Position.prototype.square = function(square, value) {
	square = bt.squareFromString(square);
	if(square < 0) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#square()');

	if(arguments.length === 1) {
		var cp = this._impl.board[square];
		return cp < 0 ? '-' : bt.coloredPieceToString(cp);
	else if(value === '-') {
		this._impl.board[square] = bt.EMPTY;
		this._impl.legal = null;
	else {
		var cp = bt.coloredPieceFromString(value);
		if(cp < 0) {
			throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#square()');
		this._impl.board[square] = cp;
		this._impl.legal = null;

 * Get the turn flag (i.e. who is about to play).
 * @returns {Color}
 * Set the turn flag (i.e. who is about to play).
 * @param {Color} value
Position.prototype.turn = function(value) {
	if(arguments.length === 0) {
		return bt.colorToString(this._impl.turn);
	else {
		var turn = bt.colorFromString(value);
		if(turn < 0) {
			throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#turn()');
		this._impl.turn = turn;
		this._impl.legal = null;

 * Get a castle flag (i.e. whether or not the corresponding castle is allowed or not).
 * @param {Castle|Castle960} castle Must be {@link Castle960} if the {@link Position} is configured for Chess960, or {@link Castle} otherwise.
 * @returns {boolean}
 * Set a castle flag (i.e. whether or not the corresponding castle is allowed or not).
 * @param {Castle|Castle960} castle Must be {@link Castle960} if the {@link Position} is configured for Chess960, or {@link Castle} otherwise.
 * @param {boolean} value
Position.prototype.castling = function(castle, value) {
	if(!(this._impl.variant === bt.CHESS960 ? /^[wb][a-h]$/ : /^[wb][qk]$/).test(castle)) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#castling()');
	var color = bt.colorFromString(castle[0]);
	var file = this._impl.variant === bt.CHESS960 ? bt.fileFromString(castle[1]) : castle[1]==='k' ? 7 : 0;

	if(arguments.length === 1) {
		return (this._impl.castling[color] & 1 << file) !== 0;
	else if(value) {
		this._impl.castling[color] |= 1 << file;
		this._impl.legal = null;
	else {
		this._impl.castling[color] &= ~(1 << file);
		this._impl.legal = null;

 * Get the *en-passant* flag (i.e. the file on which *en-passant* is allowed, if any).
 * @returns {EnPassantFlag}
 * Set the *en-passant* flag (i.e. the file on which *en-passant* is allowed, if any).
 * @param {EnPassantFlag} value
Position.prototype.enPassant = function(value) {
	if(arguments.length === 0) {
		return this._impl.enPassant < 0 ? '-' : bt.fileToString(this._impl.enPassant);
	else if(value === '-') {
		this._impl.enPassant = -1;
		this._impl.legal = null;
	else {
		var enPassant = bt.fileFromString(value);
		if(enPassant < 0) {
			throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#enPassant()');
		this._impl.enPassant = enPassant;
		this._impl.legal = null;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attacks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Check if any piece of the given color attacks a given square.
 * @param {Square} square
 * @param {Color} byWho
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isAttacked = function(square, byWho) {
	square = bt.squareFromString(square);
	byWho = bt.colorFromString(byWho);
	if(square < 0 || byWho < 0) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#isAttacked()');
	return attacks.isAttacked(this._impl, square, byWho);

 * Return the squares from which a piece of the given color attacks a given square.
 * @param {Square} square
 * @param {Color} byWho
 * @returns {Square[]}
Position.prototype.getAttacks = function(square, byWho) {
	square = bt.squareFromString(square);
	byWho = bt.colorFromString(byWho);
	if(square < 0 || byWho < 0) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#getAttacks()');
	return attacks.getAttacks(this._impl, square, byWho).map(bt.squareToString);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Legality
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Check whether the current position is legal or not.
 * A position is considered to be legal if all the following conditions are met:
 *  1. There is exactly one white king and one black king on the board.
 *  2. The player that is not about to play is not in check.
 *  3. There are no pawn on ranks 1 and 8.
 *  4. For each colored castle flag set, there is a rook and a king on the
 *     corresponding initial squares.
 *  5. The pawn situation is consistent with the *en-passant* flag if it is set.
 *     For instance, if it is set to the "e" file and black is about to play,
 *     the squares e2 and e3 must be empty, and there must be a white pawn on e4.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isLegal = function() {
	return legality.isLegal(this._impl);

 * Return the square on which is located the king of the given color.
 * For non-standard variants, the behavior of this method depends on whether king has "royal power" in the current variant or not
 * (i.e. whether it can be put in check or not). For instance:
 *  - in antichess, the king has no royal power, thus `false` is always returned,
 *  - in chess960, the king has royal power (as in the usual chess rules), thus the method does returns the square on which the king is located.
 * @param {Color} color
 * @returns {Square|boolean} Square where is located the searched king. `false` is returned
 *          if there is no king of the given color, if the are 2 such kings or more,
 *          or if king has no "royal power".
Position.prototype.kingSquare = function(color) {
	color = bt.colorFromString(color);
	if(color < 0) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#kingSquare()');
	var square = this._impl.king[color];
	return square < 0 ? false : bt.squareToString(square);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move generation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Return `true` if the player that is about to play is in check. If the position is not legal (see {@link Position#isLegal}),
 * the returned value is always `false`.
 * For antichess, this method always returns `false`.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isCheck = function() {
	return moveGeneration.isCheck(this._impl);

 * Return `true` if the player that is about to play is checkmated. If the position is not legal (see {@link Position#isLegal}),
 * the returned value is always `false`.
 * For antichess, this method returns `true` if the player about to play has no remaining piece or pawn, or if non of his/her remaining piece can move.
 * (same behavior as {@link Position#isStalemate} for this variant).
 * For horde chess, this method returns `true` if black has been checkmated or if white has no remaining piece.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isCheckmate = function() {
	return moveGeneration.isCheckmate(this._impl);

 * Return `true` if the player that is about to play is stalemated. If the position is not legal (see {@link Position#isLegal}),
 * the returned value is always `false`.
 * For antichess, this method returns `true` if the player about to play has no remaining piece or pawn, or if non of his/her remaining piece can move.
 * (same behavior as {@link Position#isCheckmate} for this variant).
 * For horde chess, this method returns `true` if black has been stalemated or if white cannot move but has still at least one piece.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isStalemate = function() {
	return moveGeneration.isStalemate(this._impl);

 * Whether at least one legal move exists in the current position or not. If the position is not legal (see {@link Position#isLegal}),
 * the returned value is always `false`.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.hasMove = function() {
	return moveGeneration.hasMove(this._impl);

 * Return the list of all legal moves in the current position. An empty list is returned if the position itself is not legal
 * (see {@link Position#isLegal}).
 * @returns {MoveDescriptor[]}
Position.prototype.moves = function() {
	return moveGeneration.moves(this._impl);

 * Check whether a move is legal or not, and return the corresponding {@link MoveDescriptor} if it is legal.
 * Depending on the situation, the method returns:
 *   - `false` if it is not possible to move from `from` to `to` (either because the move itself is not legal, or because the underlying
 *     position is not legal).
 *   - a function that returns a {@link MoveDescriptor} otherwise. When there is only one possible move between the given squares
 *     `from` and `to` (i.e. in most cases), this function must be invoked with no argument. When there is a "move ambiguity"
 *     (i.e. squares `from` and `to` are not sufficient to fully describe a move), an argument must be passed to the this function
 *     in order to discriminate between the possible moves. A field `status` is added to the function in order to indicate whether
 *     there is a move ambiguity or not.
 * For castling moves, `to` is supposed to represent:
 *  - for regular chess, the destination square of the king (i.e. c1, g1, c8 or g8),
 *  - for Chess960, the origin square of the rook ("king-take-rook" pattern).
 * A code interpreting the result returned by {@link Position#isMoveLegal} would typically look like this:
 * ```
 * var result = position.isMoveLegal(from, to);
 * if(!result) {
 *   // The move "from -> to" is not legal.
 * }
 * else {
 *   switch(result.status) {
 *     case 'regular':
 *       // The move "from -> to" is legal, and the corresponding move descriptor is `result()`.
 *       break;
 *     case 'promotion':
 *       // The move "from -> to" is legal, but it corresponds to a promotion,
 *       // so the promoted piece must be specified. The corresponding move descriptors
 *       // are `result('q')`, `result('r')`, `result('b')` and `result('n')`.
 *       break;
 *     default:
 *       // This case is not supposed to happen.
 *       break;
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @param {Square} from
 * @param {Square} to
 * @returns {boolean|function}
Position.prototype.isMoveLegal = function(from, to) {
	from = bt.squareFromString(from);
	to = bt.squareFromString(to);
	if(from < 0 || to < 0) {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#isMoveLegal()');
	var result = moveGeneration.isMoveLegal(this._impl, from, to);

	function makeFactory(status, factory) {
		factory.status = status;
		return factory;

	// No legal move.
	if(!result) {
		return false;

	// Only one legal move (no ambiguity).
	else if(moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(result)) {
		return makeFactory('regular', function() { return result; });

	// Several legal moves -> ambiguity.
	else {
		switch(result.type) {

			case 'promotion':
				return makeFactory('promotion', function(promotion) {
					promotion = bt.pieceFromString(promotion);
					if(promotion >= 0) {
						var builtMoveDescriptor = result.build(promotion);
						if(builtMoveDescriptor) {
							return builtMoveDescriptor;
					throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#isMoveLegal()');

			default: // This case is not supposed to happen.
				throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#isMoveLegal()');

 * Play the given move if it is legal.
 * WARNING: when a {@link MoveDescriptor} is passed to this method, this {@link MoveDescriptor} must have been issued by one of the
 * {@link Position#moves} / {@link Position#isMoveLegal} / {@link Position#notation} methods of the current {@link Position}.
 * Trying to invoke {@link Position#play} with a {@link MoveDescriptor} generated by another {@link Position} object would result
 * in an undefined behavior.
 * @param {string|MoveDescriptor} move
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the move has been played, `false` if the move is not legal or if the string passed to the method
 *          cannot be interpreted as a valid SAN move notation (see {@link Position#notation}).
Position.prototype.play = function(move) {
	if(typeof move === 'string') {
		try {
			moveGeneration.play(this._impl, notation.parseNotation(this._impl, move, false));
			return true;
		catch(err) {
			// istanbul ignore else
			if(err instanceof exception.InvalidNotation) {
				return false;
			else {
				throw err;
	else if(moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(move)) {
		moveGeneration.play(this._impl, move);
		return true;
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#play()');

 * Determine whether a null-move (i.e. switching the player about to play) can be play in the current position.
 * A null-move is possible if the position is legal and if the current player about to play is not in check.
 * @returns {boolean}
Position.prototype.isNullMoveLegal = function() {
	return moveGeneration.isNullMoveLegal(this._impl);

 * Play a null-move on the current position if it is legal.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the move has actually been played, `false` otherwise.
Position.prototype.playNullMove = function() {
	return moveGeneration.playNullMove(this._impl);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Algebraic notation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Return the standard algebraic notation corresponding to the given move descriptor.
 * @param {MoveDescriptor} moveDescriptor
 * @returns {string}
 * Parse the given string as standard algebraic notation and return the corresponding move descriptor.
 * @param {string} move
 * @param {boolean} [strict=false] If `true`, only perfectly formatted SAN moves are accepted. If `false`, "small errors" in the input
 *        such as a missing capture character, an unnecessary disambiguation symbol... do not interrupt the parsing.
 * @returns {MoveDescriptor}
 * @throws {module:exception.InvalidNotation} If the move parsing fails or if the parsed move would correspond to an illegal move.
Position.prototype.notation = function() {
	if(arguments.length === 1 && moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(arguments[0])) {
		return notation.getNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], 'standard');
	else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
		return notation.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], false, 'standard');
	else if(arguments.length >= 2 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean') {
		return notation.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], arguments[1], 'standard');
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#notation()');

 * Return the figurine algebraic notation corresponding to the given move descriptor (figurine algebraic notation is the same as standard algebraic notation,
 * except that chess pieces are represented with their respective unicode character, instead of the first letter of their English name).
 * @param {MoveDescriptor} moveDescriptor
 * @returns {string}
 * Parse the given string as figurine algebraic notation and return the corresponding move descriptor (figurine algebraic notation is the same as standard algebraic notation,
 * except that chess pieces are represented with their respective unicode character, instead of the first letter of their English name).
 * @param {string} move
 * @param {boolean} [strict=false] If `true`, only perfectly formatted FAN moves are accepted. If `false`, "small errors" in the input
 *        such as a missing capture character, an unnecessary disambiguation symbol... do not interrupt the parsing.
 * @returns {MoveDescriptor}
 * @throws {module:exception.InvalidNotation} If the move parsing fails or if the parsed move would correspond to an illegal move.
Position.prototype.figurineNotation = function() {
	if(arguments.length === 1 && moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(arguments[0])) {
		return notation.getNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], 'figurine');
	else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
		return notation.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], false, 'figurine');
	else if(arguments.length >= 2 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean') {
		return notation.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], arguments[1], 'figurine');
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#figurineNotation()');

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UCI
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Return the UCI notation corresponding to the given move descriptor.
 * Examples of UCI notation: `'e2e4'`, `'b8c6'`, `'e7e8q'` (promotion)... For more details, please refer to:
 * - {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Chess_Interface}
 * - {@link https://www.chessprogramming.org/UCI}
 * - {@link https://www.shredderchess.com/download/div/uci.zip}
 * @param {MoveDescriptor} moveDescriptor
 * @param {boolean} [forceKxR=false] If `true`, castling moves are encoded as "king-take-rook", i.e. for instance white king-side castling will be `'e1h1'`
 *        (instead of `'e1g1'` in UCI standard). If `false`, castling move encoding follows the UCI standard for normal chess games (e.g. `'e1g1'`).
 *        For Chess960 games, the "king-take-rook" style is always used, whatever the value of this flag.
 * @returns {string}
 * Parse the given string as UCI notation and return the corresponding move descriptor.
 * @param {string} move
 * @param {boolean} [strict=false] If `true`, "king-take-rook"-encoded castling moves (i.e. for instance `'e1h1'` for white king-side castling)
 *        are rejected in case of normal chess games. If `false`, both "king-take-rook"-encoded and UCI-standard-encoded castling moves (e.g. `'e1g1'`)
 *        are accepted. For Chess960 games, only the "king-take-rook" style is accepted, whatever the value of this flag.
 * @returns {MoveDescriptor}
 * @throws {module:exception.InvalidNotation} If the move parsing fails or if the parsed move would correspond to an illegal move.
Position.prototype.uci = function() {
	if(arguments.length === 1 && moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(arguments[0])) {
		return uci.getNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], false);
	else if(arguments.length === 2 && moveDescriptor.isMoveDescriptor(arguments[0]) && typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean') {
		return uci.getNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
	else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {
		return uci.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], false);
	else if(arguments.length >= 2 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean') {
		return uci.parseNotation(this._impl, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
	else {
		throw new exception.IllegalArgument('Position#uci()');